Purpose/Mission Statement
Liturgy planners prepare the liturgical seasons so the assembly will deepen their faith and go forth “to love and serve the Lord.” These ministers make seasonal decisions for the environment and movement, as well as some music and prayers. These decisions are always rooted in Sacred Scripture.
Time/Talent Needs
Preparing a season, such as Lent, is usually accomplished in one meeting. Prior to that, each planner is required to reflect upon the readings for the entire season.
A basic understanding of the Mass and the various liturgical seasons is paramount. Planners also need to undertake their work in faith and service to the assembly for whom all planning is ultimately done. And finally, planners need to be willing to work in a collaborative manner and reach a consensus with others on the team. Those who wish to be part of this ministry learn how to reflect upon the scripture of the season. In addition, planners learn basic information about environments, music, movement and word, and how these elements function within the liturgy. Training also includes understanding the various steps of the planning process. Following training, new planners are assigned to planning teams where they work with experienced planners under the direction of the Liturgy Office.
Level of Commitment
Planners serve on planning teams twice a year. Every planner is assigned work on one major season, such as Advent or Christmastime and one segment of Ordinary Time.
Contact: Joanne Sanders (630) 289-5400 ext. 217