Purpose/Mission Statement
The cantor is both a singer and a leader of congregational song. Especially when no choir is present, the cantor may sing in alternation or dialogue with the assembly. The cantor may also serve as psalmist, leading and proclaiming the verses of the Responsorial Psalm.” Sing to the Lord #37
Keeping with the mission of Resurrection Catholic Church, we the member of Resurrection Music Ministry seek to support the song of the assembly by provide thoughtfully prepared and prayerful music in order that those assembles can engage in full, conscious, and active participation during worship.
Time/Talent Needs
Cantors are scheduled for weekend masses, holy days of obligation, communal reconciliation services and special liturgies as necessary. Attendance at cantor practices is necessary. Cantors serve year round.
You must have a natural talent for singing and be willing to hone your skills. You must also have a willingness to practice individually outside of a structured rehearsal and spend time in prayer with the psalms. A desire to support and enhance the sung prayer of the assembly is crucial.
Please contact Suzanne Orland at sorland@rescatholic.org for more information.