Parish History

We invite you to join us as we come together to worship and serve the Lord. It is clear that through our Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist we enter into a faith community.

It is not a negative matter of getting rid of original sin, but also a positive matter of becoming part of this pilgrim people- their traditions, saints, sinners, institutions and celebrations. Our parish was officially elevated from mission status to a parish on January 1, 1968. We continue forward as a church by ministering to one another and our neighboring community.

Mission Statement

We, the Catholic faith community of Resurrection Parish, are called together through sacraments and stewardship, to share the mission of Christ: proclaiming, building and living the kingdom of God.


Resurrection Church is a place where:

  • You belong, where you are accepted and where you are loved.
  • You celebrate your unique gifts and share that celebration with others as you answer the call to be more Christ-like.
  • You experience the Holy Spirit and continue Christ’s transformative work on earth.
  • You love yourself, your neighbor and God as you grow in your understanding of your faith.