As you may have noticed there is a new yellow envelope in you envelop packet. Pre-covid we started to implement protocols and procedures in the event we have a serious security situation such as an active shooter. Currently we have in place police approved protocols and many other in-building features such as deadbolts and electronic entrance doors for Faith Formation classes. The Safety Committee is moving rapidly to implement security procedures for Mass and other events including researching and meeting with professionals in the field of building safety to define what is best needed for Resurrection.

We have come to several hard facts. First, we need added systems in place to notify police and others in the buildings that there is an intruder and that safety protocols need to be activated.  This system would be akin to the fire alarm systems that would notify and police to be dispatched and all others to take needed action. Second, these systems are costly not only to install but to maintain. The Parish Council and Safety Committee have looked many ways to fund this project under our current budget and conclude that it is not possible thus the need for an additional envelop. We ask that you consider with your heart the need for safety for all and give what you can.

Thank you for your consideration. If you have any immediate questions, contact Chris Colangelo at (630) 289-5400, ext. 202.